
Reputation is everything

Nuclear Risk Insurers (NRI) is a global leader in nuclear insurance and provides specialist solutions for civil nuclear installation property damage, machinery breakdown, business interruption, nuclear third-party liability, nuclear transit liability and construction for over 300 nuclear sites around the world.

Our history in the sector runs deep. NRI is one of the oldest nuclear insurers globally, established in 1956 to help protect operators, people, society and businesses in the extremely rare event of a nuclear incident.

We represent the capacity of leading insurance companies and Lloyd’s syndicates in the UK.

Nuclear is in our DNA, and because of that our customers get:

Security from a world-leading specialist insurance company with the strongest sector capacity and claims handling solution in the event of an incident.

Added value from our world-class nuclear insurance underwriting expertise. We provide sound advice thanks to our specialist knowledge and sector insight.

A deep level of technical engineering knowledge and expertise that promotes best practice in nuclear safety, security and culture; fire protection; machinery breakdown; equipment reliability (electrical and mechanical) and risk management.

The very highest standards of quality, service and delivery.

Unparalleled service

Our global portfolio of products for the sector:

Nuclear installations

Insuring the physical assets of all elements of the civil nuclear fuel cycle, with the exception of mining


Providing confidence that people, society and businesses are protected


Providing a catastrophe claims process that aligns with an immediate emergency response to rapidly compensate those with valid claims and then move into the recovery phase


Providing physical asset protection to new-build projects during the construction phase


Providing protection for nuclear transit liability


NRI is open to considering any new nuclear risk that cannot be accommodated by the conventional insurance market. Please get in touch to discuss your needs.