NRI has today published its second Corporate Report on its website here.
“This year’s Corporate Report builds on the success of last year’s inaugural version and aims to bring the NRI to life for its members and clients,” said Mark Popplewell, NRI Managing Director. “At the same time, we wanted to use the latest report to focus on new technologies and set out NRI’s priorities for the year ahead.”
The Corporate Report 2021 details NRI’s vision for the near- and medium-term future, and features new sections highlighting the views of members and international clients, as well as the day-to-day work of NRI employees in Engineering, Underwriting and Finance.
NRI is particularly pleased to have secured an article from Tom Samson, Interim Chief Executive Officer at UK SMR Consortium, which discusses SMRs and the future of nuclear in the UK.
The report also includes articles on the evolution of nuclear fusion and the impact of Brexit.
To read the Corporate Report 2021, please go to the NRI website here.