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NRI chooses DLT-based application from B3i to increase the efficiency of inter-pool reinsurance contracts

In partnership with the UK Nuclear Pool and five other European pools, Nuclear Risk Insurers (NRI) has chosen B3i to provide a distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based application to manage inter-pool reinsurance contracts. The technology will provide increased contract certainty, process efficiency and real-time portfolio oversight.

Contract certainty is one of the main benefits of B3i’s application, as it presents a single version of the truth to all users. Once a transaction has been initiated, it’s immediately distributed to reciprocating pools, and any response is also instantly logged.

NRI will, in future, be able to place and bind a reinsurance contract with a few clicks, avoiding the need to go back and forth via email to request documentation or further information. The whole reinsurance process will be made easier, more efficient and more accurate.

“It removes potential ambiguity from the process, as everyone is looking at the same data,” explained Rebecca Milton, Underwriting Business Analyst at NRI. “There’s no room for different interpretations of the same information.”

In parallel with the five other European pools, the Underwriting team at NRI has thoroughly tested B3i’s application and has now made it live.

Anticipating take-up from other nuclear pools, Claudio Mares, Senior Underwriter at NRI, commented: “In total, almost 30 pools interact during the placement of reinsurance risks, so it was important that we found a partner who could ultimately act and work on behalf of all the pools and get buy-in from all of them.”

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Dr. Tim Stone, CBE


Tim has been NRI’s Chairman since 2015 and is also the Chairman of the UK’s Nuclear Industry Association. Tim is a senior corporate advisor across energy and infrastructure sectors and was appointed to the European investment Bank by the British Government before stepping down in 2018. ds