Simon Wilcock, BSc
Senior Underwriter
A nuclear engineer with 25 years of experience in the insurance industry, Simon joined NRI in September 2019 as a property and liability underwriter. He specialises in insuring large complex risks, combining his engineering and insurance experience.
With responsibility for a number of NRI’s key client and broker relationships, Simon assesses and prices risks throughout the nuclear fuel cycle – both material damage and third-party liability – and underwrites nuclear risks across the globe as both insurance and reinsurance. He is responsible for NRI’s construction binding authority.
Before joining NRI, Simon was an engineering underwriter with Talbot Underwriting at Lloyd’s and before that Swiss Re. In these roles, he managed power and petrochemical risks, including insuring the construction of nuclear power and fuel cycle plants. Prior to that, Simon spent 13 years in the nuclear, power and petrochemical industries at BNFL, Foster Wheeler and Dow Chemical.
Simon lectures for the International Association of Engineering Insurers and has previously done the same for the Swiss Insurance Training Centre. He studied nuclear engineering at the University of Manchester.