
NRI's construction facility - shaping the future of nuclear construction

The nuclear industry is continually innovating through the development of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs), Fusion, new fuel cycle projects, waste handling, and refurbishment initiatives. Nuclear Risk Insurers (NRI) is expanding its cover offering to meet the needs of the burgeoning field of nuclear construction.

In summary:

Specialise in mid sized nuclear projects:

Our facility is specifically designed to align with SMR project timelines, ensuring seamless integration and support from the early stages of projects through to completion.

Offer comprehensive coverage

for the entire nuclear fuel cycle, waste handling, medical isotopes and refurbishment projects, addressing all facets of construction risk.

Support and expertise on operational risk:

Our deep understanding of operational risks allows us to offer tailored solutions that mitigate potential delays and disruptions – providing seamless protection from construction into operation.

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NRI’s Construction Facility

Global scope with a focus on North America, Middle East and Europe



Nuclear installations

Nuclear Installations





NRI is a world-class leader in civil nuclear risk insurance

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Established in 1956​

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Working with 350 nuclear sites globally

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A team of experienced nuclear and construction underwriters

Construction person

Combined with risk engineering experts in civil, mechanical, fire and nuclear safety operations


  • Technical support on any nuclear construction risk

  • Construction capacity of USD 400m on a Maximum Probable Loss basis, for project period up to 60 months in period (plus defect liability period)

  • Nuclear property and third-party liability cover via NRI’s existing Nuclear Insurance ‘Pool’

  • Expertise in risk assessment and mitigation strategies for nuclear construction projects

  • Nuclear engineering expertise and construction engineering support

  • Robust coverage and financial stability through licensed and well-rated domestic insurers and global reinsurers

  • In collaboration with NRI’s partners Swiss Re and SCOR supported by Lloyd’s Capacity and specialist Loss Adjusters and independent experts, we will professionally manage and settle claims expeditiously in the event of an Insurable Loss.


  • Successfully support existing and new nuclear clients with a comprehensive construction cover and enable a smooth transition to the operational programme

  • Tailored solution for nuclear construction projects

  • Enhanced risk management and mitigation for nuclear construction activities

  • Assurance of compliance with international nuclear safety standards through our technical engineering team

  • Financial protection against construction-related incidents and liabilities

  • Strengthened client confidence through expert consultation and comprehensive insurance coverage

  • Demonstration of NRI’s support to the Nuclear Industry and its contribution towards Net Zero and energy security.

Contact Information

Nuclear Risk Insurers (NRI) is the leading Managing Agent of Nuclear Risk globally. It is recognised as a leader in nuclear insurance and provides specialist solutions for civil nuclear installation property damage, machinery breakdown, business interruption, nuclear third-party liability, nuclear transport liability, cyber, and construction for over 350 nuclear sites around the world.

To learn more about our new construction facility product and how we can support you, contact us at:

Simon Wilcock
Construction Development and Senior
+44 20 7621 1100

Mark Popplewell
Managing Director
+44 20 7621 1100